
Cyanotype, collage, ink, gouache, color pencil, marker, shellac and string on paper (Rives), 7.5" x 11", 2021.

Cyanotype, photocopy transfer, collage, ink, gouache, and water-soluble crayon on paper, 8" x 6", 2021.

Cyanotype, collage, colored pencil, and stamping on paper, 12" x 9", 2020.

Cyanotype, colored pencil, gouache, ink and stamping on paper, 10" x 8", 2020.

Cyanotype, ink, hand-coloring (colored pencil) and collage on paper, 11" x 7.5", 2020.

Cyanotype, photocopy transfer, collage, colored pencil and ink on birch panel, 10" x 8", 2020.

Collage, gouache, photocopy transfer and ink on paper, 12" x 9", 2019.
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Collage, ink, gouache, and photocopy transfer on paper, 12" x 9", 2019.
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Ink, gouache, collage, photocopy transfer and shellac on paper, 12" x 9", 2019.
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Collage, gouache, ink, shellac and photocopy transfer on paper, 12" x 9", 2019.
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Ink, gouache, collage, photocopy transfer and shellac on paper, 12" x 9", 2019.
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Ink, gouache, collage, pastel and photocopy transfer and shellac on paper, 12" x 9", 2019.
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Ink, gouache, collage, pastel and photocopy transfer and shellac on paper, 12" x 9", 2019.
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Ink, gouache, photocopy transfer and water soluble crayon on paper, 7" x 5", 2016.

Ink, gouache, marker, collage, photocopy transfer and stamping on paper, 7" x 5", 2016.

Ink, gouache, marker, collage, photocopy transfer and stamping on panel, 10" x 8", 2016.

Ink, photocopy transfer, gouache, and collage on paper, 7" x 5", 2017.

Ink, gouache, marker, collage, photocopy transfer and stamping on panel, 10" x 8", 2016.

Ink, gouache, marker, collage, photocopy transfer and stamping on paper, 7" x 5", 2016.

Ink, gouache, photocopy transfer and collage on birch panel, 10" x 8", 2016.

Ink, gouache, photocopy transfer and collage on birch panel, 10" x 8", 2016.

Ink, photocopy transfer, gouache, shellac and collage on birch panel, 10" x 8", 2017.

Ink, photocopy transfer, gouache, shellac and collage on birch panel, 10" x 8", 2017.

Ink, gouache, marker, collage, photocopy transfer and stamping on paper, 7" x 5", 2016.

Ink, gouache, photocopy transfer and collage on birch panel, 10" x 8", 2016.

Ink, photocopy transfer, gouache, and collage on paper, 12" x 9", 2017.

Ink, photocopy transfer, gouache, and collage on paper, 7" x 5", 2016.

Ink, photocopy transfer, gouache, and collage on paper, 7" x 5", 2016.

Ink, photocopy transfer, gouache, and collage on paper, 7" x 5", 2017.